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Courses: Online Courses

For whom is the IRC Level 2?

The IRC Level 2 is open for all students who have taken an IRC Level 1 or participated in the Summer School. The Course is designed for professionals, college-level students, and experienced amateurs. A high rhythmic proficiency level is not necessary, as theory, exercises and homework are given in a way that the participants can choose their appropriate difficulty. Performers of all instruments and composers are welcome regardless of style (i.e. Classical, improvised or non-Western musics). Existing ensembles and bands are welcome to apply as a group, as well as other rhythmical art forms (dance, rap, etc...). If there are any doubts or questions about qualifications, just write for more information.


Each participant will receive a diploma and earns 2 credits (ECTS) for the course.

IRC Level 2 online

to be announced

The International Rhythm Course Level 2 is a six week online program, meeting once a week, to solidify the fundamental expressive qualities of rhythm and explore the rich world of rhythmic complexities. The course is led by composer/flutist Ned McGowan (Assistant Professor of Advanced Rhythm and Pulse, and Composition at the Utrecht Conservatory), the eminent Carnatic violinist Dr. Mysore Manjunath, renowned percussionist B.C. Manjunath, and vocalist Kristina Fuchs (main teacher voice Antwerp Conservatory).

Carnatic Music

The Carnatic system of rhythm with its practical approach to complexities, forms the International Rhythm Course's (IRC) basic method for both a foundation and a structured exploration of rhythm in music. The IRC teaches the traditional approach to rhythm from the Carnatic perspective and places it both theoretically and practically next to Western methods. B.C. Manjunath will teach the basics of proper Konnakkol syllables and pronunciation, and the rhythmical approach of his pieces take a prominent role in the course materials.

method and difficulty

The goal of the class is twofold: first to continue where Level 1 left off with the Carnatic exercises and pieces, exploring further concepts and rhythmical structures. Second, to broaden the participant’s knowledge and creativity of how the material can be put into practice. This will be done by analysis of Carnatic compositions and Western music that puts the Carnatic approach into practice. Further, assignments will be given for the students to create their own music with the material.


As in IRC Level 1, the course will explore a limited number of topics in detail. These topics will be learned through the methods of the different teachers and rhythmic exercises and pieces will be taught.

the online experience

IRC online.jpeg

The online experience consists of the teachers demonstrating, explaining, answering questions and participating in discussions. Students sing or play along at home with the teacher's demonstration. While theory is given, the main aim of the course is practical: homework is assigned to be learned and during the session some daily practice is understood.


There are two types of online lessons: teaching lessons and coaching lessons. Teaching lessons are structured lectures, explanations and demonstrations of rhythmic materials and pieces, for the full group. Coaching lessons take place in breakout rooms and are more interactive, where practice, discussion and feedback are mixed together in a free way. 


Participants are given the opportunity (but not required) to share their own videos of the assignments, which will be collected on a class web page with links to the videos of the lessons.

“I thought it was great to have a good mix of "essential" lessons in a seminar fashion and "practice" sessions to deepen understanding of the material and address questions/issues.”

“In my case I think that you are always learning by seeing your own practice and that of others. There were very creative approaches that trigger my new ideas.”

I liked the structure. It allowed time to process the new information and work on skills in between teaching days.

My first ever online anything. And it was great. Easy going and no problems with connection. It still felt like a group.

I am happy that these online courses are open, because it is easier for me to assist, otherwise I wouldn't be able to be there.

It's he first time I take an online course, I think it was a great experience, the organization was really good

Excellent. Great to be able to do it at home and not have to travel.

I really enjoyed it. I liked the fact, that there was sort of 2 levels of communication, which would not be possible in normal situation. For example- BC has been clarifying things in the chat while Dr. Manjunath was talking- avoiding interruptions and just quickly pointing us to, how it relates to previously discussed. Or information/material quickly shared by other students- different forms of notation. 


The classes will take place on Tuesdays at the following times (CET):


15:30 - 18:15


The class dates are:


March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

April 6


For more information write to Ned McGowan:

For comparison, here are some times in other time zones of the teaching lesson times:




Thanks for submitting!

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